
SON Edelux II High Power LED Headlight


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Product Overview

Elegant and reduced to the essential: Lots of light perfectly dispersed on the road. A wide light beam thats evenly distributed from near to far end provides the best view on dark roads, lanes and gravel.
With a brand-new IQ Tec P mirror system from the specialists at Busch and Muller integrated into the new SON Edelux 2 leaves the older model literally in the shadows. The light field is twice as wide and focused mainly in the distance, putting most of the light further down the road allowing you to better assess whats coming, whilst still not leaving a 'dim' patch in front of the rider.
- 3 Watt high performance LED. 90 lux at 15kph
- Highly efficient by optimal cooling
- Watertight 6082 T6 aluminium housing
- Standlight & Senso
- Automatic light sensor
- Discreet rear light connection if required
- Light Includes: Stainless Fork Crown Bracket (23928), white reflector (23917) 
The 140cm version includes connectors but they are not fitted so that the cable can be cut down by customers to the required length before applying connectors.
Polished Silver Or Anodised Black.

Made In Germany.